Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Writer's Agreement (aka They Want the Article!...Now What?)

You're sitting there on the sofa, dutifully copying writer's guidelines of regional parenting magazines off the net and pasting them into your word document when the phone rings. At the other end of the line is a real, live editor interested in your article (yippee!). You know that she's already got your name, address, phone and email info. Isn't that it?

In fact, there's this form she needs filled out before she can print your article. It looks like this:

In order to use a freelance writer's work, we must have a copy of this writer's agreement on file. Please complete this form and return it.

Complete: Name; Mailing Address; Telephone; Email; Social Security Number

All articles submitted are subject to editing for style, clarity and space considerations.

In purchasing North American serial rights, we reserve the right to publish a piece one time in the publication and on our website, now and in the future.

If a piece is posted on our website, it will appear during the month the article is published.

By signing this agreement, you are giving us exclusive rights in the county market to the articles we purchased and thus, you will not be able to sell the same article within 6 months to any other local, free magazines in the county area.

Writers will receive a tear sheet and check upon publication of your work.

Writer's signature & date:

Note: the editor said they don't need my social security number, and the freelancer I've been working with said she never gives it out until her article is accepted, even when they specifically ask for it on submission forms.